Preserve Minneapolis 2014: STOP ignorant development
This initiative started by residents of South Minneapolis united to maintain the character and architectural integrity of our historic neighborhoods.
Restrictive covenants need to be established for the following purposes:
1. Maintaining the historic scale established of our blocks: ensuring scale of the new structure reflects the average height and size of the surrounding homes. 2. Ensuring development has a design aesthetic & façade that is historically appropriate for the surrounding homes. 3. Incorporating strategies into remodeling plans that minimize impact of storm water runoff issues.
JRM Estates Inc of Monticello, MN built this home in between original bungalows in Standish.
We are starting to notice a pattern here. If your construction company is located more than 20 miles outside of Minneapolis, do you have the best interest of Minneapolis in mind while building within its borders? This Savage Minnesota builder, complete with no gutters to dump water on the foundation of this neighboring 20's brick bungalow.
This home was built too large for the lot, the city approved the use of a paver driveway, which are seen as "permeable surfaces" and don't effect the hard cover percentages.
This home due to its size, and the developers neglect in installing gutters, likely creates a water erosion effect on the neighboring original homes.The paver driveway is not used to be high end, but rather to hurdle the hardcover restrictions when a home is larger than allowed for the lot size.Another super sized home, brings the character of Chanhassen to Fulton.
Something needs to be done to add some respect to the heritage of Kingfield.
This home features cheap carpet, slate surround gas fireplaces, no gutters for water management, and was constructed by an LLC from Wayzata MN. At 2500 feet, this home was built for less than 100/foot. Wonder how long it will last until another teardown occurs at this address?
Maurice Jamaledin- a developer who is currently applying for a setback variance for 3801 Pillsbury, to construct another one of his oversized cheap homes. He needs to be stopped. The moratorium isn't stopping him. Will the Kingfield Neighborhood Association continue to let this happen?
Stevens Ave in Kingfield
This tragic home was constructed in 2010 in Standish surrounded by 20's bungalows. The profitable work was completed by a general contractor from Elko, Minnesota, home to Elko speedway, vinyl siding, and cheap construction. We need to create barriers to entry to keep Elko architecture from entering South Minneapolis.
JRM estates of Monticello is behind this pillar of efficiency on 27th Ave, one block north of Busters and the Bakers Wife. Vinyl doesn't look any richer when it's two toned.
Builds like this one are dividing blocks in South Minneapolis.
This resides in the front-lines of the debate in the Fulton Neighborhood.
This bizarre facade resembles a brown bag sale event at Menards. It is now a permanent fixture of 51st and Xerxes in South Minneapolis.
We contacted Al Theisen about a "teardown" tudor duplex in Fulton, residing next to two of his 'assembly-line' two stories, a 1930's original duplex is being marketed by him as a building opportunity.
When asked for his explanation, Al stated that his company "was all about preservation in South Minneapolis."
We would love to see these builders start walking their talk, and constructing homes that are scale and architecturally appropriate in historic areas like Fulton.
Chain Link. Vinyl. No Gutter System. Welcome to Mpls?
A Lakeville builder in Nokomis who is candidly executing mini-suburban homes within 1930's original tudor blocks. The neighborhoods east of 35W are going unnoticed by the moratorium, why is this?
Straight from their website: DA Properties, Savage MN. "AFTER, Beautiful two story home."
DA Properties, Savage MN. BEFORE.